Socci Books Publishing blog

The Socci Books Publishing blog contains bits and pieces of commentary based on the book-writing process and interesting observations associated with Amanda’s books-in-progress. While most of the information may be outdated, the blog serves as a great historical tool to capture Amanda’s thoughts exactly as she was going through certain things

Future blog posts as well as the Socci Books e-newsletter will highlight current progress and future publishing projects.

Happy 2023 – time to rejoice! It has been a full two years since I’ve last updated the Socci Books blog. I …

So what have we been working on in the last month? Ever since we finished the original writing portion of our book …

I’ve waited more than 30 years to say this… After dreaming about writing a book and publishing it, praise God, that day …

Last week, I spoke about the public’s perception of the terms “dance moms,” which most people connect with the t.v. reality show …

Abby Lee Miller and “Dance Moms” Do you remember the t.v. reality show “Dance Moms” which ran from 2011 – 2019? This …

If you read my post from Monday, you would have seen that I’m having a tough time coming up with a succinct …

So what is my book about? Hmmm. That is a loaded question for several reasons. Did you catch my post from last …

A person who writes a book has a unique vision of what they’re trying to accomplish in writing. It’s more than just …

Last week, our oldest daughter had get-togethers scheduled with her former dance classmates from Joy of Motion Dance Center. The last time …

Writing a book is probably the easiest of the tasks associated with its publication. The person who writes the book has a …

There has been a lot going on with the Socci family in 2021. For the most part, probably 80% of our work …

So this is something we had been struggling with for so long – e-newsletters. You would think it’s a straightforward thing, but …