A new website design !

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There has been a lot going on with the Socci family in 2021. For the most part, probably 80% of our work has been dedicated writing, research, and fact-checking involved with Amanda’s debut narrative nonfiction book. However, we’ve also tried hard to get the website looking pretty. THAT has been a job in and of itself!

This is another area where I think many people struggle – – web design. After trying to learn to build a website using WordPress for probably ten years and getting frustrated and leaving things be, it has been a true blessing finding another system that has worked well for us.

Through the graces of God, we found Elementor, which is a service that allows you to build fancy websites using special things such as white space, color blocks, and pictures to jazz things up. Around October – November of 2020, we discovered this nifty tool and proceeded to spend upwards of a hundred hours testing out the tool, learning how to build, looking at how things appear on screen, etc.

We’ve learned to play sound with color and create color blocks. Most recently, we started adding other graphic elements through Canva. It has been difficult and sometimes, our choices did not give us what we were looking for, but just the same, we are happy with our end results.

Just last week, we experimented with a three-column format that allowed us to set the text to the far left and the widgets to the far right, with plenty of white space in the middle. If that sounds like gibberish or a bit complicated to you, please just check out our new website design.

What do you think? Does this new design work? Are you able to see the information clearly and does it make sense to you? Do all the links work and click through the way they’re supposed to look?

We welcome your feedback and thank you for being here!

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