Current Book Projects

Believe it or not, Amanda has a whopping fifteen book projects in her files with varying levels of progress for each. However, at a minimum, each book has a basic foundation including research and a broad description of what the book will be about.

Specializing in nonfiction, Amanda has completed writing the manuscript for two books, with several others on the burners.

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Nonfiction books in progress

To most people, it would not make sense to start a new project without finishing up what is being worked on. Sounds logical, right? Amanda isn’t quite a logical person, choosing creativity and a diehard craving to be original over everything else.

Below,  you’ll find a description of three books currently in the queue, with a few surprises coming up later on.

Conflicted with Joy

“Conflicted with Joy: The evolution of a dance studio from a parent’s perspective” is a book designed to capture the emotional connection between a parent supporter and a dance studio. With three locations in Washington, D.C. and Bethesda, Maryland, Joy of Motion dance studio impacted Amanda in ways that other dance studios did not.

Amanda elevated the status of Joy of Motion in her personal life to such an extent, that she was willing to transplant her entire family and start anew to be closer to the studio for the benefit of her daughters and their continuing dance education.

This book is intended to capture the essence of Amanda’s deep admiration and love for Joy of Motion dance studio. The book will start off with a background of Amanda’s upbringing with dance, discuss her daughters’ experiences with other dance studios, and culminate in finding that magical unicorn at Joy of Motion dance studio.

Along the way, Amanda will discuss the history of Joy of Motion and piece together the limited information she was able to glean as a parent of two former students of Joy of Motion. Facts, dates, history, and real people will be a central aspect of this book.

Black Voices in Metro D.C.

Amanda has decided to do her part to promote the interests of the Black community by writing profiles of Black men and women who live and work in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Amanda already has a roster of great people she’d like to write about, and is slowly reaching out and getting permission to do so.

Faith-based Memoir

Amanda began the first draft of a memoir titled “A Slice of Faith” back in 2012 in response to horrible things that were happening to her. Amanda thought if she could make sense of life problems through a lens of faith, it would work itself into a deeply moving, spiritual book.

In 2013, working on “A Slice of Faith” became too much and Amanda shelved the project until March 2020, when the pandemic hit. A chance encounter with old files and writings from “A Slice of Faith” led to renewed interest in this project.