Questioning your Choice of Religion

Amanda read a series of opinion blog posts today and was intrigued by the viewpoints of the author, who wrote about her struggles of growing up as a Catholic, facing difficulties along the way, and making the serious and equally difficult decision to leave Catholicism.

A Slight Setback in CWJ

On September 18, 2020, Amanda was honored with a very important phone call that lasted two hours. Amanda wrote a detailed blog post about this incredible experience and waited almost three months before publishing it. To this day, that juicy and beautiful blog post remains unpublished. The person with whom Amanda had this great conversation […]

When Inspiration Erupts, what do you do?

Are you familiar with the natural phenomenon of geysers? Geysers are springs of water that occasionally spout upward with a violent force, sometimes ejecting steam alongside. According to our good friends at Wikipedia, geysers appear in only a few places on earth.