If you would have told me twenty years ago or even as recent as a year ago that we would have been launching this website on Palm Sunday, I never would have believed you. I never could have imagined it.

Why today of all days?

Today marks a special day for Christians worldwide – – it is the feast of Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday during the Lenten season, which lasts for 40 days. Palm Sunday also kicks off holy week, which is the week we celebrate the arrival of Jesus at Jerusalem, right before he carries the cross, dies, and rises again on Easter Sunday.

Jesus rides in on a donkey to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Video from Catholic.org from YouTube.
A still of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. (Catholic.org YouTube video)

According to Catholic.org,

“Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey … the lavish … townspeople threw clothes, or possibly palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage. This was a customary practice for people of great respect.”

as written in Catholic.org

What jump-started this website?

Answering that question involves a lot of complex explanations because there is a history of events that dates back almost 40 years.

The simple answer as to what jump-started this website is a small incident that took place last night. It gave me a clear vision that it was time to resurrect a writing project I had begun eight years ago and had basically shelved. I had a very distinct disposition when I first started that writing project. I am now a changed person, improved by time, a change in habits, and most importantly, by faith.

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